Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Vicariously I live while the whole world dies.

Brushes with death often stir people to re evaluate their lives, what seems to be your last few moments of life stream vivid images of everything and nothing. I write this because, I just spoke with a guest here at the hotel who visibly is shaken and depressed to the core. Last night there was a huge thunderstorm, and as he told me what happend, you could see his eyes welling up with tears, the fear stricken across his face. I offered as much comfort as I could, but really there isn't much to say. I've known this guest for years, can't say I particularly like the guy, but I honestly felt bad for him. He explained to me that last night as he was flying into Salt Lake International, the pilot told all passengers after 7 circles and 3 attempts to land, (one attempt just 200 feet above the airport, resulting in the wind nearly slamming the plane into the ground)they'd be flying to a nearby airport in Idaho. Halfway to that airport, the pilot then announced that they wouldn't be able to make it to Idaho, because they were running out of fuel, so they turned around and litterally had to glide the plane on empty into the airport here in SLC. The way the guest described it, everyone on the plane was screaming, panic stricken, absolute chaos. I just felt for the guy, I once had a brush with death, many many years ago, while I was still in my teens, some people say that it's a second chance to see the world differently, or that there was some sort of higher power who decided that it wasn't my time yet. Well I think that's pure bullshit. Chaos ensues, and the cards fall where they may. A plane went down over the atlantic, from Brazil to Paris, there were no survivors, aparantly 'god' has a dark sense of humor.


  1. Hmm near death experiences ... You know, I've always thought that it's all bullshit. If you're an asshole you'll keep being an asshole once you get over PTS. Unless you find God, I guess. Then you'll be a bigger asshole!

  2. Hah, it's humorous to me, the concept of finding god, as if it's some sort of easter egg hunt, ooh ooh found one!

  3. So, that's what Easter is all about!! :)

    That would be a freaky experience, but I have to agree and say it has nothing to do with GOD! I don't think you have to have a near death experience to see the world differently, sometimes that is just what it takes. This being "GOD" seems to be extremely confused in my opinion. He can never decided how and who to punish/bless or love/hate. What a grand story that, so so many take as truth!

    On a side note, I was actually listening to Vicarious when I came to check blogger. Weird!

  4. Jesus called me on my heaven phone today and told me to let you know that God is not happy with your post. He says the best way to say you're sorry is to give a Christian church lots and lots of your money. As soon as you give this church enough money, you will find God.

    If you do not do this, God will be forced to bring a near-death experience down upon you to scare you into giving the money and finding him. Apparently, he really wants to be found.

  5. I honestly think it's too bad that it takes near death experiences for people to "find God."
    Furthermore, He's real... And HE LOVES US!! He has no "sense of humor" when it comes to pain... we chose the life we live... and He allows us to be tested.
    I for one am glad you were protected in that horrible crash.
    Love you Dal!

  6. Yeah I held on to those seatbelts from the crash, as a reminder. And I have worn seatbelts ever sense that day, seriously. Prior to that experience, I hardly ever did. I was going to argue with you though, about your faith, but then I decided it was pointless, and it's always so interesting to see how positive and upbeat christians can be regardless of the circumstances. I love you too Jodi, I'm glad you decided to chime in on this post. :)

  7. I'm not sure how I would have made it through my life...if you hadn't've made an you.
